We, at Pullman Maldives Maamutaa, are conscious of global environmental issues and acknowledge our responsibility towards the environment. While the well-being of our guests remains at the forefront, we commit ourselves to carry out operations in a sustainable manner, taking every step to minimize operational impact on, and preserve the environment where we operate.

In delivering this commitment, Pullman Maldives Maamutaa will endeavor to:
- Meet or exceed applicable environmental legislations, environmental standards, and best practices.
- Monitor & document Energy consumption & related emissions daily & analyze monthly, quarterly & annually for review with the objective of reducing energy consumption & related emissions by 2% or more in relation to the energy consumption & resultant emissions specified in the annual plan for the financial year.
- Value and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of our properties, thus enabling our guests to enjoy an authentically local experience.
- Promote efficient use of materials and resources across our property, especially water and energy.
- Work diligently to minimize our waste stream by reusing, recycling, and conserving natural resources, particularly through energy and water conservation.
- Set sound environmental and social objectives and targets, integrate a process of review and issue progress reports on a periodic basis.
- Continually identify opportunities for improvement of our environmental management system. Promote awareness and educate employees on environmental issues and sustainable working practices.
- Engage our guests, team members, suppliers, contractors, and the local community in our initiatives to preserve the environment and consider their opinions/ feedback when setting our Environmental programs and procedures.
- Conduct Environmentally Preferable Purchasing.
- Participate in efforts to improve environmental protection at local and national levels.
This policy is intended to guide our property toward sustainable management.
- We will maintain awareness among our team members on environmental issues, preservation of local cultures and the necessity for everyone to act in a responsible manner.
- We will communicate to our team members the environmental practices that need to be implemented at the workplace as well as other simple environment-friendly measures that they can apply in their everyday lives.
- We will encourage our team members to participate in and support environmental initiatives.
- We will communicate our environmental commitment to guests and give them an option to support us in our green initiative.
- We will extend awareness on environmental issues and best sustainability practices to the local community.
- Reducing energy consumption will help to reduce environmental impact and at the same time lower energy costs.
- In order to minimize energy consumption, we will:
- Take steps to make our workplace more energy efficient
- Reduce the use of fossil fuels and opt for renewable energies
- Maintain our machinery and equipment in good working condition
- Opt for energy-efficient equipment and low-energy appliances
- Ensure optimal use of plant and machinery
- Use timers, sensors, and other devices that regulate energy consumption
- Make use of solar energy wherever applicable
- Reduce loss of energy, for example by using insulated pipes to carry hot or chilled fluids
- Set objectives for limiting consumption regularly monitor progress and improve processes
- Implementation of the SOLAR project.
With global warming, particularly pertaining to the Maldives, sources of freshwater are very scarce and limited to a few natural wells. Water conservation is therefore becoming essential and as a responsible company, we will:
- Using sea water, a free resource, to generate water for the entire resort
- Reduce water losses by regularly checking for leaks
- Install sensors, regulators and other water saving devices – i.e. sensor-controlled men’s urinals Ensure efficient use of laundry equipment
- Sensitize both employees and guests on the responsible use of water
- Offer to guests the option of reusing towels and sheets
- Limit the use of de-salinized water by, Capturing and using rainwater wherever possible, Using recycled greywater for irrigation
- Set targets for minimizing water consumption, monitor and analyze periodically
- Continually find ways to reduce water consumption
We generate waste that constitutes a major pollutant, affecting both the environment and public health. We will do our utmost to avoid, recycle and reuse in order to reduce its impact on the environment. Our Waste Management Plan will include the following:
- Limit the use of disposable packaging for the resort supplies, whenever possible
- Use compostable and bio-degradable products and materials, whenever the option is available
- Limit individual packaging of hygiene products in bedrooms
- Organize sorting and separating of recyclable wastes
- Collect and recycle cooking oil for permitted uses
- Compost our garden green waste for nutrient rich natural fertilizer
- Organize recycling of materials such as paper/cardboard/glass/plastic packaging, metal cans, ink cartridges, restaurant organic waste, etc.
- Liaising with 3rd Party recycling companies such as Parley for Oceans and Secure Bag
- Engage in projects with the local community for the reuse of recycled materials
- Safely dispose of hazardous wastes such as batteries, electrical and electronic devices, fluorescent bulbs/tubes, etc.
- Organize and/or support clean-up of the surrounding environment.
Sustainable procurement or Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) is the practice of procuring products and services that are less harmful to the environment (land, air, and water) and all species that depend on the environment for survival. Green products are those that are produced with less harmful materials or which upon usage or consumption would have a minimal impact on the environment.
We will carry out EPP whenever green options are available while giving due consideration to guests’ satisfaction, company standards, and reasonable costing. Our green purchasing measures will include the following:
- Encourage and favor eco-friendly and power-efficient products
- Prefer recycled, compostable and bio-degradable products
- Buy seasonal and locally produced goods as far as possible and thus avoid transporting energy
- Buy in bulk to reduce packaging wastes
- Favor organic fertilizers and less harmful cleaning agents
- Prefer eco-friendly designs and eco-labeled products
- Prefer to purchase from a source that is less polluting or uses clean technology
- Encourage and prefer vendors who use recycled packaging material. Explore the possibilities of further reuse and/or recycling with the vendor
- Green the supply chain by seeking vendors who share our values and have in place an environmental management system.
The natural environment is one of the primary attractions for leisure visitors. In order to develop sustainable tourism, we will:
- Ensure protection of the natural and cultural values of the area while developing and creating recreational facilities and activities for our guests
- Participate in efforts to restore habitat whenever possible
- Promote local food, entertainment, culture and cottage industry
- Engage with local people when developing cultural attractions
- Offer guests souvenirs of a local nature and making, and which are made of eco-friendly products
- Provide guests with a list of environment-friendly products and local souvenirs that they may shop
The ocean and the reefs are home to numerous sea creatures and plants, many of which are fragile and endangered. We will take every possible step toward the conservation of marine life and the protection of our reefs. Measures taken by our property will include:
- Ensuring wastewater is not discharged into the ocean
- Using ecological or organic fertilizers
- Sensitizing our team members and guests about the negative environmental impact of littering on the beach and in the sea.
- Ensuring all treasure is properly disposed of and no debris left hanging on the beach
- Sensitizing our guests and ensuring with service providers that snorkeling and diving are practiced in a way that does not affect our coral reef
- Encouraging and supporting clean-up of the marine and coastal environment
- Complying with local conservation policies, for e.g., by coral transplanting for coral rejuvenation
- Keeping boats clean and in proper working condition in order to minimize noise pollutionPlant trees as they reduce runoff into the oceans and contribute to reversing the warming of our Planet and the rising temperatures of our oceans
- Keeping the IUCN Red List and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by its operations by levels of extinction risk.
Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, has an important role to play. In order to protect biodiversity, we will:
- Reduce our use of insecticides, weed killers, fungicides
- Use organic fertilizers
- Use environmentally friendly products for cleaning
- Buy sustainably harvested seafood and agricultural products
- Water plants in a rational way
- Use indigenous plants for landscaping and minimizing light and noise
- Ensure that invasive alien species are not introduced in our gardens and landscapes
- Not display or sell products made from threatened or protected plant and animal species
- Participate in ecological restoration initiatives in the local area
- Not detain any captive wildlife on properties grounds, except for wildlife breeding farms, rescue or reintroduction, according to law and best practices
- Protect land-based and marine wildlife and do not disturb them in any possible way.